Vintage Area Rugs

When you talk about vintage area rugs there are two main categories: rugs that were made after the ’20s and up to 20+ years ago which are passed on through generations. The other big category is contemporary rugs made today with a vintage design, color scheme and look. Our vintage rugs might not be found in a vintage rug shop, but they rather provide the look of vintage and overdyed rugs for a modern piece with supreme durability and classic vintage design. These soft-finished, pre-worn rugs are first bleached to remove the traces of the original color, leaving the outline of the pattern, before being overdyed with another color.

Designs and Styles for Everyone: We offer more than 100 stunning vintage style rugs in multiple shapes (2x7 vintage runner rugs, 5x8 vintage rugs, 6x9 tribal, round vintage rugs and 8x11 vintage designs), different styles (vintage floral rugs, transitional & other affordable vintage rugs) plus 5 different pile types. 

All of our tribal rugs are easy to clean, water repellent, moth-proof, pet-friendly, they preserve color over time and they all have free shipping; always and forever!

$179.00 5'2"x7'7"


Features Pile Height: Low Pile - 4 mm Primary Color: Beige Accent Colors:  Rust orange, Green, Teal Style: Vintage, Oriental Collection: The ...

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